In recent years, turmeric latte has gained immense popularity as a warm and comforting beverage with numerous health benefits. Commonly known as “golden milk,” this ancient drink has its...
India is a diverse country with multifaceted cultures, languages, and cuisines. There is a widespread saying that the culture of India alters every 10 miles and, with it, modifies...
India, located in a sub-tropical region, experiences a subtropical humid climate in the major parts of the country that calls for including hot and spice-rich foods in the diet....
Spices are strong aromatic substances that impart a rich flavour and aroma. They are derived from the roots, bark, or seeds of the plant; for example, turmeric is the...
In today’s sedentary and digitalized lifestyle, everybody is glued to their digital assets, and anything you desire is just a finger tap away ! Post-lockdown, the situation has deteriorated,...