In recent years, turmeric latte has gained immense popularity as a warm and comforting beverage with numerous health benefits. Commonly known as “golden milk,” this ancient drink has its...
India is a diverse country with multifaceted cultures, languages, and cuisines. There is a widespread saying that the culture of India alters every 10 miles and, with it, modifies...
In today’s sedentary and digitalized lifestyle, everybody is glued to their digital assets, and anything you desire is just a finger tap away ! Post-lockdown, the situation has deteriorated,...
History is the evidence of a paramount organic lifestyle, witnessed by our ancestors, that made them lead a long and healthy life. In today’s fast-paced world, where everyone is...
Indians have, for time immemorial, held a cosmic view of the universe, comprehending the intertwined linkages and patterns between different constituents. The significance of the herbs has been minutely...
Have you ever wondered why our most essential amenity, food, is one of the main reasons responsible for climate change? Well, the answer is simple, and that is because...