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In recent times, with the growing economy, businesses have also flourished, which demands a proper quality check department so as to ensure the authenticity of the products. To top it all, the food industry, which has a high susceptibility to turning stale, has to be very cautiously monitored for its safety, quality, and reliability. Maintaining an impeccable quality of food products is indispensable in order to ensure the safety of consumers’ health and maintain brand sustenance. The quality inspectors carry out responsibilities like inspecting products, conducting tests, sampling, reviewing documentation, analyzing data, making continuous improvements, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and ensuring regulatory compliance of our food products to safeguard the quality and integrity of our production. We invest a lot in the quality check department to guarantee the best quality to our consumers and to keep them bound to us for generations.
“Research is a formalized curiosity to unveil the hidden consequences.”
R&D holds a very pristine position in the business if one aspires to be at the top among market leaders. It empowers growth, innovation, competitive advantage, increased profitability, and risk reduction, and also aids the company with the proper knowledge of their respective products. We carry out R&D at our dedicated centre in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Our intense involvement has eternally guided us to expand our business and demand from national to international markets. We have an expert team that comes out with unique fusions like turmeric and saffron lattes and cinnamon lattes that are ladened with nutritious qualities. Also, our scientific team does extensive research on blended spices, masala tea, etc. so as to bring out the best nutritional quality available on the market. Thus, our team works relentlessly to provide customers satisfaction while ensuring the product’s integrity, simplicity, affordability, and accessibility.
Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm but about doing better. It includes balancing out the needs of current and future generations while minimizing negative impacts on the environment, communities, and economic systems. Our production is in tandem with our belief in a better life with organic products. Our products are sourced with integrity, and we, being a consumer-centric company, make conscious efforts to guarantee authentic, chemical-free products. With growing awareness, consumers always want to stay in the loop about the whereabouts of the source of products, and we make sure to justify our roots.
Our goal is to reduce the consumption of harmful chemicals in our supply network and minimize the impact of PPFs on the environment. We make an effort to promote good agricultural practices (GAP) by including integrated pest management and alternative control strategies for achieving optimum productivity. Our suppliers focus on soil health, biodiversity conservation, water management, agroforestry, crop diversity, proper selection, judicious use, safe storage, proper disposal, occupational health and safety, and green chemistry.
At RK Export Pro Ltd., we are focused on practicing sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices by also doing our share in carbon sequestration, social responsibility, and adhering to our code of conduct for purchasing raw materials for our manufacturing units.
We here at RK Exports Pro Ltd. believe in delivering quality products that have super-rich health benefits. With today’s fad revolving around health and wellness, consumers are very mindful of what they put inside them. So, our focus is on supplying them with products that are not only organic but also carry loads of health benefits like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Spices are known to be a healthy option that can prevent acute and chronic illnesses. Herbs and lattes are also ladened with aroma, flavours, health, and medical reasons that make them safe for consumption.
Spices and herbs such as clove, rosemary, sage, oregano, and cinnamon are excellent sources of antioxidants with their high content of phenolic compounds. It is evident that frequent consumption of spicy foods is also linked to a lower risk of death from cancer and ischemic heart and respiratory system diseases.