Have you ever wondered why our most essential amenity, food, is one of the main reasons responsible for climate change? Well, the answer is simple, and that is because of the conventional industrial and adulterated practices of agriculture that are accountable for the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, thus depleting the soil of nutrients. So, the most straightforward solution is to choose the products that are the outcome of organic farming. Organic farming contributes to alleviating climate change by incorporating regenerative agricultural practices that bind the soil and also help restore carbon from the atmosphere into the soil. Organic farming also helps in the following ways: • CARBON SEQESTRATION : Enriching agricultural practices like crop rotation, cover cropping, and composting helps renew soil fertility and health over time. Healthy soil is formed by the decomposition of plants and organisms, which consists of about 60% carbon, which implies more carbon in the soil than in the atmosphere. This helps sequester carbon from the atmosphere back into the soil. • DEPLETING CARBON FOOTPRINT : Organic framing helps in the reduction of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, that deplete the ozone layer, thus giving rise to climate change. Avoiding synthetic fertilizers and harmful pesticides and insecticides leads to healthy soil through natural decomposition, thus triggering a small carbon footprint. • BOOSTING WATER MANAGEMENT : With the world reeling from the cataclysmic effects of climate change, leading to drought in some places and floods in others, enhancing the water management system becomes a dire need. Implementing efficient irrigation practice like drip irrigation and precision irrigation can optimize the utilization of water resources, thus helping us cope with erratic rainfall patterns. • INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT : Organic farming makes use of natural pest control and crop rotation that enhance the availability of arthropod fauna, which helps replenish the soil. Avoiding synthetic pest management and incorporating natural pest management can help restore soil health. • DEVELOPING CLIMATE-RESISTANT AGRICULTURE : Research and development in agriculture are important for sustaining crops in accordance with the local climate. R&D is essential to developing heat-resistant, climate-resistant, and drought-tolerant agricultural crops so as to minimize the impact of climate change. To conclude, changing climate demands changing agricultural practices for it to bear the consequences of the shock waves in the case of disastrous climatic phenomena. A proper network of education and skill training, research funding, and financial support are the keys to providing sustainable agriculture. So, next time you visit a supermarket, make a mindful selection of organic products. By doing so, you move one step ahead in preserving Mother Earth.
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